Monday, June 24, 2019

Review of "The Sound and The Fury: A Novel" by William Faulkner

This book - narrated in a stream of consciousness style by several characters - is difficult to read and requires close concentration to understand what's going on. Basically it's about the Compson family of Jefferson, Mississippi.

The Compsons were a prominent and important family of the Old South but by the early 1900s had lost most of their wealth and status. The family is made up of a needy, neurotic mother; a distant, hard-drinking father; three brothers; and a sister.

Mother and Father Compson

The book's narrators are the three brothers: Benjy, a mentally handicapped child-man; Quentin, a troubled, unstable Harvard student; and Jason, a disappointed, hard-hearted, would-be patriarch.




The heart of the story is their sister Caddy, a caring but promiscuous young woman who shames the family by getting pregnant. Caddy enters into a hasty marriage but her husband quickly divorces her when he discovers the child is not his.


The Compson family takes in Caddy's daughter "Miss Quentin" and cuts off Caddy completely. This drives the story since brother Benjy adores and misses Caddy, brother Quentin is devastated by her behavior, and brother Jason is angry at Caddy for embarrassing the family and depriving him of the bank job offered by her ex-husband. Jason also resents Miss Quentin and steals the money Caddy sends for her.

Miss Quentin

Other important characters in the tale are Dilsey and her sons, black servants that function almost as extended family.

Dilsey with her son and Benjy

The dissonance among the Compsons leads to much acting out and tragedy, which is witnessed by Dilsey - who cares for all of them.

Problems in the family

I thought the book's characters were memorable and the story (such as it is) was compelling.

Rating: 4 stars

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