Monday, July 1, 2024

Review of "The Debt Collector: A Thriller " by Steven Max Russo

Petite, pretty, blond Abigail (Abby) Barnes looks like a college co-ed, but she's really a debt collector for bookies. loan sharks, and other people who want to get paid what they're owed.

The tools of Abigail's trade include custom made brass knuckles with a blade and spike on either side; a 357 Magnum with a 6-inch barrel; and expertise in Krav Maga.

Running from trouble in Baltimore, Abby arrives in New Jersey looking for work.

Abby happens to meet an amiable drunk named Hector, who's just robbed a six pack of beer from a liquor store, and they take a casual liking to each other.

When Hector learns about Abby's profession, he introduces her to his cousin Raffie. Hector explains "Raffie done time, two years in Northern State. He runs with some guys, heads a crew does work for the Italians. You meet him, he seems nice enough. But....he's a hard case." Raffie usually hangs out with his pal Vincent, who does collections for mobsters.

Raffie is a criminal in his own right, but he also helps out mob boss Ronnie Slacks, a ruthless gangster who extorts money every which way he can.

Once Abby demonstrates her combat skills to Raffie - by beating up his right hand man Vincent - Raffie sends Abby to bookie Benny Friedman, who needs some collecting done. Benny is skeptical about hiring a Barbie doll lookalike to do collections, so Abby gives him a demonstration.

Looking innocent, Abby says, "What do you see, Mr. Friedman? A cute girl standing here, maybe someone you would like to buy an ice cream cone?" Then Abby leans in and points her 357 Magnum in Benny's face and says, "No, Mr. Friedman, I don't think so. I think all you can see is the black hole at the end of this barrel...and right now you would anything, and I mean anything just to get rid of me."

Benny sends Abby to collect fifty grand from a spoiled rich stockbroker who drives around in a beautiful Porsche 911, but won't pay his debts.

Abby persuades the stockbroker to pay up by putting him in a choke hold, squeezing his head between her thighs, taping his hands together, pulling out clumps of his hair with a pliers, and threatening to hurt his mother. Abby gets the fifty grand the stockbroker owes Benny, takes her cut, and delivers the rest of the cash to the bookie.

The next day, Benny the bookie is found dead in his office, his head on the desk in a dark pool of blood, and his safe open and empty.

The New Jersey cops are pressured to find the killer fast, because New York business mogul Alexander Bayne is planning to move his offices to New Jersey, and the mayor doesn't want him to be put off.

This sets off a cascade of events, as the mayor leans on Police Detective Dennis Eagen;

who pressures mobster Ronnie Slacks;

who puts the screws to Raffie.

They collectively decide to pin Benny's murder on Abby, who was known to be in the bookie's office on the day he was killed. So Raffie calls his cousin Hector - who's friendly with Abby - to discover the collector's whereabouts.

The thing is, Hector is QUITE chummy with Abby, and Abby is VERY clever. As the cops, gangbangers, and mobsters pursue Abby, she takes evasive and aggressive action, with Hector's help as needed.

There's plenty of death and destruction in the novel, which is an action packed thriller, lightened with a big dose of humor. One ongoing gag is Abby's name; Hector thinks she's called Gabby; and the criminals think her name is Sally.

I like Abby, who's essentially a nice gal who has to make a living.....and doesn't feel bad about making people pay what they owe. Hector is a fun character as well, being a small time criminal who longs to work in lawn maintenance.

The novel's finale leaves room for a sequel, which could be another action filled adventure.

Thanks to Netgalley and Steven Max Russo for a copy of the book.

Rating 3.5 stars

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