An unusually ferocious rainstorm unearths a murdered corpse in Lancashire, England and Detective Inspector Percy Peach and Detective Sergeant Lucy Blake discover the victim was a local priest.

During their investigation the detectives learn that the priest was suspected of molesting boys in the church youth club. Of course the shocked and angry families of the boys become suspects in the murder. Moreover, the priest seems to have been associated with a child porn ring, the members of which are anxious not to be exposed. Could they have shut up the priest so he didn't get an attack of conscience and report them?
Plenty of suspects in this cozy mystery, and some interesting characters. The detectives have a nice rapport between them and I liked the priest's housekeeper, a devoted lady determined to see the best in the priest and to defend his reputation.

I thought the book was an enjoyable light mystery, fine for passing a few hours.
Rating: 3 stars
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