This story takes place in a future world where zombies roam and humans live in protected enclaves. "R" - who's a zombie - kills a young man named Perry and eats his brain.

This causes R to absorb Perry's memories and emotions and to develop feelings for Perry's girlfriend Julie.

A lot of the story takes place inside R's head where R has a continuing dialog with Perry and talks about his thoughts and feelings as he falls in love with Julie. Inevitably R becomes more and more human.

The story also contains the usual conflicts between humans and zombies, fights and killing, etc.

Though I cared about the characters I thought the book was slow-moving and boring and I had a hard time getting through it.
In this case I thought the movie adaptation was better than the book because the film had more action and less introspection.
Movie poster for 'Warm Bodies'

Rating: 2 stars
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