My earliest recollection of Anna Kendrick is seeing her in the movie 'Twilight', where she played Bella's high school friend Jessica and said (about Edward Cullen):
"That's Edward. He's totally gorgeous, of course, but don't waste your time. He doesn't date. Apparently none of the girls here are good-looking enough for him."

Anna Kendrick (left) in Twilight

Rob Pattinson as the gorgeous vampire Edward Cullen
At the time I wasn't aware that Anna already had a string of accomplishments behind her, having started acting as a youngster in her hometown of Portland, Maine.
This memoir begins with Anna's childhood, during which she was 'small, not cool, and sensitive.' When Anna's dad introduced her to a Russian wrestler, the athlete insisted on calling her ANYA (despite her correcting him several times). Annoyed, the little girl glared at her dad, thinking: 'This Russkie is making a mockery of my name.....and your mother's name.'

Young Anna Kendrick
School age Anna was smitten with show business early, and - after learning to dance and sing - was cast in a local production of 'Annie.' Thanks to very supportive parents Anna auditioned in New York, got a part in a Broadway production of 'High Society' and was nominated for a Tony Award at age 12.

Anna Kendrick in 'High Society' as age 12
Tongue-in-cheek, Anna says, "I lost the Tony Award to Broadway legend Audra McDonald, so I've been a bitter bitch since before my first period."

Broadway legend Audra McDonald
Anna was hardly an 'entitled child' though. She and her dad lived in a small apartment in Yonkers for the run of the production.....and she did eight shows a week; got tutoring breaks every three hours; and - to combat loneliness - hung out with other theater kids.
Anna talks a lot about being short and skinny, which REALLY embarrassed her when she got back to middle school at age 13 (and looked 10). Anna tried to hide the fact that she still shopped in the kid's section and was crushed when a cute boy said he wouldn't date a short girl. The teasing only got worse when girls started getting boobs, and "a whole new area of uncreative slams emerged", such as "Hey Anna, you should date a pirate because they love sunken chests."

Teenage Anna looked young
In fact, Anna experienced a long string of 'boy problems' that she relates in several funny-sad stories. Anna's techniques for attracting boys, though "she wasn't pretty" (her words), included: being a good conversationalist; watching horror movies; and - when she got older - having kooky sex....."with a tacky red bustier for Valentine's Day and fuzzy green handcuffs for St. Patricks Day."
Afterwards, Anna pursued a musician who 'had no interest in her'....and then 'had a fling with a guy who was so good-looking he was as confused by his interest in her as she was." None of this worked very well, and Anna spent a lot of time alone in adolescence and early adulthood.

Anna had several boyfriends over the years, including film director and screenwriter Edgar Wright (pictured with Anna here)
Anna worked a lot, however, and at 16 was in a critically acclaimed independent film called 'Camp' - based on a real New York theater camp. In the movie, which featured homosexual and cross-dressing characters, Anna played "a loser named Fritzy who was in love with the popular girl Jill." Though the film was nominated for a Grand Jury prize at the Sundance Film Festival and Anna was nominated for an Independent Spirit Award, she says, "I wish I could have played a cool character. Even in my professional career I almost never played the cool girl....except for 'Up in the Air'."

Anna Kendrick in the movie 'Camp'
Feeling 'uncool' is reflected in Anna's real life, and she confides, "I like to tell people that I'm a square. I love rules and love following them." The one BIG rule Anna broke related to college. She says "I didn't want to go to college....which was scandalous because everyone in my family went to college." Instead, Anna went to New York when she was 17, and then moved to Los Angeles "without a car.....which was a mistake." Anna relates, "I didn't know you couldn't walk to a grocery store and get back home before the milk spoiled."
So the actress bought a used Toyota and jumped into pilot season....."which is grim, because you're sent in for everything no matter how wrong you are for it." Trying to succeed in Hollywood was tough. According to Anna "I was alone and freaked out, and stayed in my room a lot. I avoided spending money or ingesting calories. I didn't know anyone. Sometimes i worked as a temp for a catering agency, but most of the time I was hoping 'Law and Order' would need a mousy little teen killer so I could keep paying my insurance."
Being cast in 'Twilight' was Anna's big break in movies, and she went on to do other films in the Twilight series. Anna reports, "Twilight kept me in room and board while I did other movies for no money, like 'Up in the Air.' Anna went on to have a very successful film career, being featured in 'Scott Pilgrim vs. the World', 'Pitch Perfect', 'Into the Woods', and many more movies.

Anna Kendrick in 'Up in the Air'

Anna Kendrick in 'Scott Pilgrim vs. the World'

Anna Kendrick in 'Pitch Perfect'

Anna Kendrick in 'Into the Woods'
Some of Anna's most amusing stories are about fashion, and the need to look stylish on the Red Carpet. Anna's interest in clothes began as a child, and she notes, "In 3rd grade my fashion hero was Claudia from the 'Babysitter's Club' books." Anna compiled descriptions of Claudia's outfits in a notebook, and tried to recreate them with "the most absurd looking articles of clothing from Contempo Casuals or TJ Maxx."
According to Anna, "Some of it was hilariously provocative. My favorite piece was a black halter top that tied in the back and around the neck. Over it i wore a sheer white collared shirt with black velvet polka dots tied up at the bottom." At the time Anna thought she looked dope....but now realizes, "It was equivalent to a toddler wearing an actual dress of Paris Hilton's."
The above outfit created a stir among her schoolmates' parents, who'd confront Anna's mom saying, "W-O-O-O-W, you let your daughter wear a halter top to school?" Anna, who has a good sense of humor, notes, "Perhaps it should have prepared me for my current state of affairs where my clothing is the subject of professional debate for equally unaffected people. Bring on the critique Fashion Police."

Even as a girl, Anna was interested in fashion

Anna has a good sense of humor
Anna has lots of fun stories about designer clothing, including: being compelled to buy a one-thousand-dollar pair of shoes though she barely had rent money (she's keeping those forever)….. and an actress who 'took a swipe at her Louis Vuitton dress' at a party thrown by the designer himself.
Anna knew she had to learn about fashion. She recalls, "I thought I knew plenty about fashion. I knew gowns were more formal than short dresses; skirts were more formal than pants; and leaving the house in just socks and a sports bra would get you arrested." She goes on to say, "I've now learned a few things: nude shoes make your legs look longer.....and short girls, get it tailored, even if it's t-shirts and jeans."
These days, Anna is VERY fashionable, as shown by some of her Red Carpet looks.

Anna has lots of funny anecdotes about making movies, including stories about over-processed hair; uncomfortable costumes; and learning needed skills - like horseback riding; driving a stick shift; and cutting vegetables....to play a chef. Anna also talks about photo shoots and award shows, which she contends aren't glamorous at all.
According to the actress, award shows "are populated with nervous idiots in the nicest clothes they can find, and beleaguered chaperones in black jeans and blazers trying to make sure the nervous idiots don't set the place on fire before the night is over." Moreover, at awards shows "you stand between the fans and a line of photographers who shout at you: over here, turn around, tell us who you're wearing; show us the back of the dress. And you have to smile through it all!"
Anna also tells a heartrending story about the death of her grandmother while she was filming 'Pitch Perfect.' In Hollywood, the show must go on - albeit in waterproof makeup - and the funeral was planned for a Saturday, so Anna could fly in. The actress sadly notes, "Working regularly makes it hard to get home."
Anna is now all grown up, but is 'the world's most reluctant adult.' She recalls, "I was in a rush to grow up during my entire childhood because I looked so young. I worked hard to show I was independent and mature." She goes on to say, "As an adult I have a lot of anxiety and am a bit of a (wo)man-child. Sometimes I test the waters of self-improvement: stop buying fancy lingerie....it's white cotton comfort all the way; do my laundry on a schedule instead of three days after I run out of underwear; improve my fitness habits; make my bed; pay my bills; make time for friends and family.
Anna wants to 'get it all together and be a real person.' I think she already is.
I enjoyed the book and recommend it to readers who like celebrity memoirs.
Rating: 4 stars
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