When Donald J. Trump was elected president on Nov. 8, 2016, William Robinson - like many Americans - was dismayed. Robinson recalls, " I had a sinking feeling in my stomach because we had just elected a man to be the leader of the free world who ran the most hateful and violent presidential campaign that this country has seen in at least a couple of generations."
Robinson hoped for the best, but it was not to be. He observes,"Shortly after the inauguration, it became painfully clear that my pessimism had been understated—and that things were going to be much worse for the country than even I had imagined."
To relieve his feelings as Trump's virulent presidency unfurled, Robinson wrote satirical 'first person' verses by Trump, his supporters, and his detractors. The 'authors' of the poems include Donald Trump, Kanye West, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Dr. Bornstein, Dr. Jackson, Rudolph Giuliani, Chris Christie, and Vladimir Putin.
The poems are biting, racy, offensive, politically incorrect, and hilarious....and they'd make great song lyrics (IMO). Volume One covers Trump's campaign and first two years in office. I look forward to Volume Two.
Here are brief excerpts from some of my favorite poems:
Red Hat Army by Donald Trump
"My Red Hat Army says that they're forgotten,
but little do they know my motives are rotten,
while Little Kushner and I planned to steal the National Treasure,
foreign leaders used my D.C. hotel for business and pleasure"

Screw me 2 by Donald Trump
"I have no respect for women unless you're my daughter
If you were on fire, I'd hide the water."

Kneel Down At My Feet by Donald Trump
"Now when I send a tweet,
you better rock to my beat,
kneel down at my feet
or you won't have a seat,
get down on your knees,
or I'll fire you with ease."

Friend of Mine by Kanye West
"DJT is a friend of mine;
I mastered his teachings; we're two of a kind
Us 2, we 2, we're smart as Einstein;
Relativity, Ingenuity, Creativity -
he'll fire your ass at the drop of a dime."

Is it Psychosis? by Hillary Clinton, James Comey, and Barack Obama
"He’s outlandish
He’s famished
He’s tweeting
He’s eating
McDonald’s burgers and fries
He keeps telling lies
He keeps telling lies
He keeps telling lies"

Two of a Kind by Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani
"I’ll create a distraction;
I’ll give a reaction.
Together we’ll ensure that Russia gets no traction.
Because of us America’s in a state of disrepair;
We love seeing America in despair.
DJT and America’s Mayor:
Together we make quite a pair."

Fake News by Donald Trump
"It’s all fake news;
She’s making me get the blues.
This porn star said she turned me in to mush;
She claims in my cabana, she spanked me on my tush."

Stormy and Avenatti by Donald Trump
"Avenatti got an attitude like me,
Can’t hit him too hard, cuz he’s not afraid of a bully.
The most I can do is call him a third rate lawyer
Cuz he fights back, hits back, punches hard
like Oscar De La Hoya."

Maverick aka The Ghost of John McCain by Barack Obama
"He’s not at all like Donald Trump, so looney.
Tunes into the needs of all citizens,
McCain’s so ornery;
Fought his own party, McCain’s mutiny;
Loved to read books, so literary.
He understood it takes compromise,
not simple as One, Two, Three;
He knew you can’t get peace in the Far
and Middle East by saying Open Sesame."

Anomoniss aka Anonymous by Various Cabinet Members
"Our poor President couldn’t say anonymous;
Speaking to reporters he said anomoniss;
Unfortunately, it wasn’t a mistake;
He said it three times, he can’t enunciate,"

Robinson tunes into the frustration experienced by those Americans who believe Trump is a narcissistic dishonest president who advances his own interests rather than those of the country. It would be fun to see Robinson's take on Trump and the pandemic, a subject ripe for satire.

The book is fun and entertaining, recommended to political junkies and people who like to laugh.
Thank you to Kim Masiello and Hilary Pratt at California Lifestyle Marketing for a copy of the book.
Rating: 4 stars
Yikes! Politics from one of my favorite reviewers. Oh--I bet you have a pro-Trump book you'll review to balance things out. But really, you don't need to. Just review the books that move you.
ReplyDeleteLOL Jacqui. I know, from comments you've made, that you support Trump....as does one of my best friends. I think we can agree to disagree with no hard feelings. 😊🥀🌹