Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Review of "Some Choose Darkness: A Rory Moore/Lane Phillips Mystery" by Charlie Donlea

In this first book in the Rory Moore/Lane Phillips series, forensic reconstructionist Rory Moore gets involved in a forty-year-old case.

In 1979 a serial killer dubbed 'The Thief' goes on a murder spree in Chicago. The perpetrator, who's addicted to erotic asphyxiation, murders women in an elaborate ritual related to this practice (not a spoiler).

News about The Thief mesmerizes Angela Mitchell, a housewife on the autism spectrum who suffers from anxiety disorders. Angela obsessively clips newspaper articles about The Thief and keeps them in a file along with her own research about the murders.

Eventually, Angela's file - when sent to the police - helps get the perpetrator convicted.

The killer is sent to prison, and in 2019 - after serving forty years as a model prisoner - the murderer is being paroled. And he has plans for revenge!! 😵


As it happens the killer's parole in 2019 will impact the life of Rory Moore, a woman with a law degree who's a forensic reconstructionist (cold case expert) for the Chicago Police Department.

Rory is on the autism spectrum and has OCD, but she controls her anxiety by drinking Dark Lord beer;

restoring antique dolls;

and wearing her favorite accessories - a beanie hat; large spectacles; and Madden Girl Eloisee Combat Boots.

Between solving cases for the Chicago PD, Rory takes long breaks - to work on dolls and recapture her equilibrium. Rory is on one of her breaks when her Chicago PD boss, Detective Ron Davidson, introduces her to a man who needs his daughter's favorite doll repaired. It turns out the man's daughter was murdered a while back, and Rory agrees to look into the case.

At about the same time Rory's father, who has a small law firm, dies. Rory - who's technically a partner in her father's firm - must assign his cases, clear his office, etc.

Rory now discovers that her father has been The Thief's appeals attorney for the last 40 years. Moreover, Rory inherits her father's financial power of attorney for The Thief - and now that the convict is being paroled - the judge orders Rory to help arrange The Thief's housing, telephone, banking, car purchase, and so on.


The story alternates back and forth between 1979 and the present.

In the 'past' sections, we follow Angela Mitchell as she socializes with friends; struggles with her anxieties; worries her husband with her symptoms; and gathers evidence about the identity of The Thief.

We also watch The Thief as he plans and carries out his crimes.

In the 'present' sections, we follow Rory Moore as she repairs the antique doll; closes her father's law firm; visits her great aunt Greta in a nursing home; meets The Thief and arranges for his parole; hobnobs with her boyfriend, forensic psychologist/criminal profiler Lane Phillips; and so on.

In addition, we track The Thief as he plots to 'get even' with his nemesis.


As the tale unfurls the storylines of Angela Mitchell and Rory Moore converge, and Rory makes some unexpected discoveries.

The story is well-plotted, dramatic, and suspenseful; the characters are interesting; and Donlea exhibits a deft hand with twists and surprises. I especially like that Donlea's main characters are smart insightful women that succeed despite (or perhaps because of) their anxiety disorders.

I enjoyed the book and plan to read more about criminalists Rory Moore and Lane Phillips.

Rating: 3.5 stars


  1. This week I'm catching up on book reviews and this one is a very good one. Haven't heard of this writer, so I looked him up on Amazon. He's written some scary books. I'm going to watch for this one to go on sale for my Kindle.

    1. I like the main characters in this series LeAnne. When so many protagonists in detective fiction are similar (alcoholic; driven by a murdered family member; on the outs with authorities; etc.), these criminalists - Rory and Lane - are off the beaten track. 😊🍒💛

  2. This sounds like a wonderful story and series. I like the sounds of the protagonist very much. I think all the audiobooks in this series are available on Scribd, so I will have to check them out. Love this review, but not you know who I will be thinking about when i read this one, Liza!!

    1. Thank you Carla. Rory is such an original character. I love the scenes where she works on her dolls. 🙂🌸🌹
