Friday, March 7, 2025

Review of "What You Leave Behind: A Novel" by Wanda M. Morris

Thirty-nine-year-old Deena Wood, a Black native of Georgia, isn't in a good place. In the past year, Deena lost her mother Libby, was divorced by her husband Lance, and was fired from her litigator position at a prestigious Atlanta law firm.

Deena is now back in her childhood home in Brunswick, Georgia..... with her father Jimmy and his new wife Ruth, whom Deena resents.

Deena also dislikes her new job, doing boring legal work for an engineering firm called Medallion.

To get away from things, and 'hear her mother's voice', Deena often drives out to Georgia's Low Country and walks around.

On one excursion Deena is threatened by an elderly Black man called Holcomb Gardner, who mistakes Deena for a real estate agent. It seems developers have been harassing Holcomb, saying he MUST sell his waterfront property. Holcomb insists he's NEVER going to leave his land, and sends Deena on her way.

Deena looks into Holcomb's situation and comes across laws concerning "heirs' property" which hark back to Reconstruction, when land was distributed to freed slaves.

[Note: It's complicated, but if a former slave's descendant dies without a will, ALL the relatives can claim a portion of the land. A developer can then buy a parcel from one relative, and force the others to either sell up or pay for their portion, which can be tens of thousands of dollars.]

Deena learns that cash poor Black people, who rarely make wills, are being fleeced all over the South. Deena wants to help, so she drives back out to Holcomb's place. There Deena finds that Holcomb's gone, his dog's gone, and his trailer's gone. Instead, there's a sign saying the land is for sale.

Deena suspects foul play, especially after she learns Holcomb's sister Delilah was killed in a hit-and-run accident six months ago. Deena reports Holcomb's disappearance to the police, who show little interest in either Holcomb or Delilah....whose hit-and-run killer was never caught.

Deena's inquiries seem to be alarming some people, because a car starts following her all over town; a crooked city councilman threatens her; a masked man tries to break into her home; and she's ambushed by a mugger. Luckily, Deena's dad Jimmy and her Uncle Duke take down the mugger, but he manages to run away.

Deena's no shrinking violet, and though she doesn't know it, Deena is being assisted by Gullah Geechee spirits. The Gullah Geechee are descendants of West African slaves who settled in the Low Country, and Gullah Geechee wraiths - whose voices weave through the book - are guiding Deena's quest.

In between looking for Holcomb, and trying to assist people affected by heirs' property laws, Deena goes about her usual business. This includes looking for a house to buy; dealing with her annoying boss at Medallion; and (maybe) reconnecting with her old boyfriend Howard, a handsome lawyer who's also back in Brunswick.

The tale becomes a thriller when Deena discovers the culprits at the bottom of the land grab, who don't mean to be thwarted!

I enjoyed this mixed genre novel, which has historical, supernatural, and suspense elements. In addition, it's interesting to get a peek at Gullah Geechee food, traditions, and culture. I'd highly recommend the book to interested readers.

Beef and Okra Stew

Basket Weaving

Rating: 4 stars

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