In this 8th book in the 'Kurt Wallander' series, the Swedish detective is dealing with personal problems while investigating two suspicious deaths. The book can be read as a standalone.

Inspector Kurt Wallender and his detectives are looking into two incidents: the brutal murder of a cab driver by two teenage girls, Sonya Hokberg and Eva Persson;

and the death, seemingly from a heart attack, of computer expert Tynnes Falk near an ATM machine.

Events escalate when Sonya escapes police custody and is found dead in the works of a power station during a power blackout. Coincidentally, the blueprints of the power station are found on Falk's desk. Clearly, these cases are connected somehow.

Further police investigations reveal seriously encrypted files on Falk's computer that require the illicit skills of a young hacker.

As it turns out the police and the hacker have to race against time to try to avert a worldwide catastrophe. There's a lot going on in this story, including spies watching the cops, more deaths, a bullet aimed at Wallender, and an underhanded detective.

During all this Wallender is dealing with personal issues: he's charged with police brutality toward the teen suspect Eva Persson and he's lonesome and longing for female companionship. Unfortunately this clouds Wallender's judgement and he makes some serious mistakes.

I thought the terrorist conspiracy at the center of the story was a little far-fetched but I enjoyed the book and would recommend it.
Rating: 4 stars
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