In this fourth book in the 'Cat in the Stacks' cozy mystery series, library archivist Charlie Harris investigates the murder of the town's most unpopular woman. The book can be read as a standalone.
Charlie Harris, a middle-age southern gentleman living in Athena, Mississippi, is the archivist at the Athena College Library and a regular volunteer at the Athena Public Library.

Charlie is almost always accompanied by Diesel - his 36-pound Maine Coon cat - who strolls around with a harness and leash. Diesel is an amiable fellow who warbles to express his opinions and solicits pats and strokes from everyone around.

As the story opens the 'Friends of the Library' are meeting at Charlie's house to discuss the upcoming fundraiser. The octogenarian, 'old money', blueblood sisters Miss An'gel and Miss Dickce Ducote want to host a merry costume gala - with finger foods - at their mansion. By contrast, 75-year-old, 'new money', upstart Vera Cassity wants to hold an elegant sit-down-dinner at her estate.

The Ducotes win and gloat about their victory over Vera - who's a pushy and unpopular bully. In fact when Charlie's housekeeper, Azalea Berry, hears that Vera was in 'her house' she becomes enraged.....though she won't give details about her grievance.

A few days after the meeting, Vera pays a visit to Charlie at the Athena College Library. Vera says she's writing a pamphlet about the town's first families and needs to look at the Ducotes' papers in the archives. When Charlie tells Vera the Ducote collection isn't open to the public, Vera is infuriated.....and Charlie wonders about her ulterior motive.
The night of the fundraiser rolls around and the attendees show up dressed as their favorite literary characters, such as Hercule Poirot, Ariadne Oliver, Thomas Pitt, Mma Ramotswe, Amelia Peabody and more. Vera, who's dressed as Scarlet O'Hara, immediately gets into a ruckus with a fellow guest. Moreover, the Ducote siblings engineer a plan to frustrate Vera's ambitions.

Hercule Poirot and Ariadne Oliver

Thomas Pitt

Mma Ramotswe

Amelia Peabody

Scarlet O'Hara
After the party's been rocking for a while, with plenty of eating and drinking, Vera's dead body is found at the bottom of a back staircase. Unfortunately, Charlie's housekeeper Azalea is nearby - trying to get out of a blocked door. The sheriff considers Azalea the prime suspect for Vera's murder, but Charlie's certain she's innocent and sets out to prove it.
The 'suspects' at the top of Charlie's list include the Ducote sisters; Vera's husband Monty; and Monty's (not so secret) extramarital girlfriend.....but anyone at the party could be the perp. To aid in his quest to find 'the real killer' Charlie talks to Azalea; interviews persons of interest; discusses the case with his girlfriend Helen Louise; and (secretly) liases with deputy sheriff Kanesha Berry - who's off the case because she's Azalea's daughter.
During his investigation Charlie receives a previously mailed letter from Vera containing a photograph of a woman.

This inspires the amateur sleuth to look into the library's archives, where he learns some very surprising things. Eventually Charlie puts all the clues together and solves the crime.
Much of the book's fun rests with Diesel, who's always angling to be petted by bumping his head against people's hands; climbing into people's laps; sitting beside people on the sofa; etc. Like all good pets Diesel also cadges food and treats, especially bits of bacon from the breakfast table. The humans in this story eat well also, especially because Charlie's lady friend is a professional baker and chef. 🙂
This is an entertaining cozy mystery, recommended to fans of the genre.
Rating: 3 stars
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