Gwen Cooper
Gwen Cooper is a dedicated 'cat mommy' who likes to share stories about her beloved pets. I was introduced to Cooper's writing when I read her book Homer's Odyssey, about an adorable blind kitty who knew no limits. The book made Homer a worldwide celebrity, and fans showered him with letters and gifts....which he generously shared with his siblings.
Cooper's original cat family - adopted when she was in her twenties - consisted of three felines: Scarlett - a tiger-striped tabby who disdained all humans other than 'mommy'; Vashti - a white beauty who seduced every man she met; and Homer - a sightless black fur ball who was never daunted by a challenge.



Now, two decades later, Gwen and her husband Laurence are parents to two black cats: Clayton - a sturdy, three-legged cuddler who loves to play fetch; and Fanny - a muscular huntress who eyes birds and squirrels outside, but makes do with moths and giant roaches inside.


Cooper's stories about her animal family range from heartrending - when a cat gets sick and dies; to laugh out loud funny - when a pet demonstrates its unique intelligence.
One of my favorite anecdotes in the book is about Vashti, "The Picasso of Pee" whose brilliant use of urine is unparalleled in the animal kingdom. One time, when Gwen was in the process of moving, she temporarily housed Vashti with her ex-boyfriend Jorge. Vashti apparently feared she'd be left with Jorge forever, and mounted a 'peemageddon' to get herself evicted from the unwanted abode.
First Vashti urinated on Jorge's favorite spot on the couch, and - when that didn't work - soiled a basket of Jorge's freshly laundered clothes. Gwen still didn't take Vashti home, so the cat peed on the leather jacket Jorge wore every day. Finally - right in front of Jorge's eyes - Vashti let loose on the stove where he made his food. That did it! Jorge ordered Vashti's immediate removal. Gwen was awed by Vashti's strategic plan to escalate her attacks until she got thrown out.
Afterwards, Vashti took to peeing on the possessions of men who visited Gwen, to make sure they didn't overstay their welcome.
The author tells another amusing tale about athletic Fanny enlisting Clayton's help to steal treats from a kitchen cabinet. In the middle of the night - when Gwen and Laurence were asleep - Fanny opened the cabinet, climbed to the top shelf, snagged packets of dry food, and tossed them down to Clayton, who was waiting on the floor below. Three-legged Clayton, who had great front-body strength, mangled the packets open and the cats went to town.....until Gwen caught them.
In other amusing stories:
- Gwen describes the time she hauled three cats to a Manhattan veterinary clinic, by taxi and on foot, in the pouring rain.....when she wasn't even sure where the building was.

- Gwen notes how thrilled she was when Clayton - who seemed to be a slow learner and not quite as bright as he could be - taught himself to play fetch. "See", Gwen wanted to shout, "Clayton is smart. He's VERY smart!"

- Gwen depicts the time Homer was napping through a photo shoot, and Laurence had to rush over with half a pound of sliced deli turkey and a whole bunch of little cans of Bumble Bee tuna to stimulate the little guy.

There are many more anecdotes in the book, which brought me lots of laughs.....and a few tears.
I enjoyed the book and highly recommend it to animal lovers.
Thanks to Netgalley, Gwen Cooper, and BenBella Books for a copy of the book.
Rating: 4 stars
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